Liste des monographies et revues

Šilhanová, Libuše (ed.), Diskutujeme o morálce dneška. Prague: Nakladatelství politické literatury, 1965. [Koudelka made all the photographs in this book. 13 photos. Translation of the title: We are debating the morality of today.]

Jarry, Alfred. Král Ubu: Rozbor inscenace Divadla Na zábradlí v Praze. Photographs by Josef Koudelka. Prague: Divadelní ústav, 1966. [Book devoted to Jan Grossman’s production of the play Ubu Roi. 97 photos.]

Gitans: La fin du voyage. Photographs by Josef Koudelka. Introduction by Robert Delpire. Postface by Willy Guy. Paris: Delpire, 1975. [Not published before 1977. 60 photos.]

Gypsies. Photographs by Josef Koudelka. Texts by John Szarkowski and Anna Fárová. Postface by Willy Guy. Millerton, NY: Aperture, 1975. [60 photos. A special edition for the Museum of Modern Art, New York, exists as well.]

‘Josef Koudelka: A Monograph’, Camera, vol. 58, no. 8, August 1979, pp. 3–42. Porter, Allan. [Includes the article ‘On the Cold Roads of Time’ by Danièle Sallenave, pp. 6, 39–40, and 19 photos.]

Josef Koudelka. Text by Romeo Martinez. Collection ‘I Grandi Fotografi’, Milan: Gruppo Editoriale Fabbri, 1982. [42 photos.]

Josef Koudelka. Introduction by Bernard Cuau. Collection Photo Poche. Paris: Centre National de la Photographie, 1984. [66 photos. Published in French and English editions.]

Exils. Text by Robert Delpire, Alain Finkielkraut and Danièle Sallenave. Collection Photo Copies. Paris: Centre National de la Photographie, 1988. [61 photos. American edition: Exiles. Text by Czeslaw Milosz. New York: Aperture. British edition: Exiles. Text by Czeslaw Milosz. London: Thames & Hudson.]

Josef Koudelka. Mission Photographique Transmanche, cahier no. 6. Texts by Bernard Latarjet and Michel Guillot. Douchy-les-Mines: Editions de la Différence, Centre de Développement Culturel de Calais, Centre Régional de la Photographie Nord-Pas-de-Calais, 1989. [15 panoramic photos. Accordion binding. This book accompanied an exhibition.]

Prague 1968. Photographs by Josef Koudelka. Text by Petr Král. Collection Photo Notes. Paris: Centre National de la Photographie, 1990. [50 photos.]

Animal. Photographs by Josef Koudelka. Text by Ludvík Vaculík. Collection Porte-folio no. 4. Amiens: Trois Cailloux, Maison de la Culture d’Amiens, 1990. [18 photos.]

Josef Koudelka: Fotografie, Divadlo za branou, 1965–1970. Texts by Otomar Krejca and Anna Fárová. Prague: Divadlo za branou II, 1993. [42 photos.]

Černý trojúhelník – Podkrušnohoří: Fotografie 1990–1994 (Le triangle noir – La région située au pied des monts métallifères / The Black Triangle – The Foothills of the Ore Mountains). Text by Josef Vavroušek, with texts to the photos by Zdeněk Stáhlík, Igor Michal and Petr Pakosta. Prague: Vesmír and Správa Pražského hradu, 1994. [34 panoramic photos. Accordion binding. Includes a short excerpt from a speech by Václav Havel.]

Josef Koudelka: Periplanissis: Following Ulysses’ Gaze. Introduction by Alain Bergala. Text by Margarita Mandas. Thessalonica: Organization for Cultural Capital of Europe 1997, 1995. [43 photos. Exhibition catalogue.]

Exils. Photographs by Josef Koudelka. Essay by Czeslaw Milosz. Postface by Robert Delpire. Revised edition. Paris: Delpire, 1997. [65 photos. The text by Milosz is not included in the British and Italian editions. The text by Delpire is not included in the American edition.]

Reconnaissance: Wales. Preface by Christopher Coppock. Text by Derrick Price. Cardiff: Ffotogallery in association with Cardiff Bay Arts Trust, The National Museums and Galleries of Wales, and Magnum Photos, 1998. [16 panoramic photos.]

Chaos. Text by Bernard Noël. Postface by Robert Delpire. Paris: Éditions Nathan/Delpire, 1999. [108 panoramic photos. In the British and American editions, Phaidon Press, the text by Bernard Noël is eliminated. Italian edition, Motta Editore.]

Lime Stone. Text by Gilles A. Tiberghien. Paris: Atalante-éditions, 2001. [36 panoramic photos. French edition, Éditions de la Martinière.]

Josef Koudelka. Introduction by Anna Fárová. Interview by Karel Hvížd’ala. Prague: Torst, 2002. [82 photos. In Czech with English translation by Derek & Marzia Paton. Spanish edition, 2003.]

En Chantier. Paris: Éditions Textuel, 2002. [10 panoramic photos.]

Teatro del Tempo. Texts by Erri De Luca and Diego Mormorio. Rome: Peliti Associati, 2003. [24 panoramic photos. Greek edition published by Apeiron, Athens.]

Théâtre du Temps. Texts by Erri De Luca and Diego Mormorio. Arles: Actes Sud, 2003. [24 panoramic photos.]

Josef Koudelka: L’épreuve totalitaire. Essay by Jean-Pierre Montier. Paris: Delpire, 2004.
[97 photos.]

Josef Koudelka. Text by Alessandra Mauro. I Grandi Fotografi Magnum Photos. Milan: Hachette, 2005. [36 photos. Published in Spanish and French editions.]

Koudelka. Texts by Robert Delpire, Dominique Eddé, Anna Fárová, Michel Frizot, Petr Král, Otomar Krejča, Gilles A. Tiberghien and Pierre Soulages. Paris: Delpire, 2006. [115 photos plus 51 panoramic photos. Published in American, British, Czech, German, Greek, Italian and Spanish editions.]

Koudelka: Camargue. Text by Jean Giono. Arles: Actes Sud/Conservatoire du Littoral, 2006. [22 panoramic photos.]

Invasion 68: Prague. Texts by Jaroslav Cuhra, Jirí Hoppe, Jirí Suk and Irena Sorfová. Paris, Editions Tana, 2008. [248 photos. English translation by Derek & Marzia Paton. Published in American, British, Czech, Dutch, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Romanian, Russian and Spanish editions.]

Piemonte. Text by Giuseppe Culicchia. Milan: Contrasto, 2009. [76 panoramic photos. French edition published by Editions Xavier Barral, Paris.]

Gypsies. Photographs by Josef Koudelka. Text by Will Guy. New York: Aperture, 2011. [109 photos. Published in British, Czech, French, German, Italian and Spanish editions. In the French edition there is an additional text by Robert Delpire.]

Lime. Photographs by Josef Koudelka. Text by Jacqueline de Ponton d’Amécourt. Paris: Editions Xavier Barral, 2012. [173 photos.]

Wall. Texts by Gilad Baram and Ray Dolphin. Paris: Editions Xavier Barral, 2013. [54 panoramic photos. Published in American, German and Italian editions.]

Exils. Essay by Czeslaw Milosz. Introduction by Robert Delpire. 3rd rev. edn. Paris: Delpire, 2014. [65 photos. Published in American and British editions.]

Josef Koudelka: Gypsies. Texts by Song Youngsook and Stuart Alexander. Seoul: The Museum of Photography, 2016. [109 photos. Texts in Korean and English.]

Koudelka: Gitans. Texts by Stuart Alexander and Will Guy. Paris: Delpire Editeur, 2019. [109 photos. Published in American, British and Italian editions.]

Ruines. Photographs by Josef Koudelka. Texts by Héloïse Conésa, Bernard Latarjet and Alain Schnapp. Paris: Editions Xavier Barral/Bibliothèque Nationale de France, 2020. [170 panoramic photos. Published in American, British and Italian editions.]

Deníky. Edited by Tomáš Pospěch. Prague: Torst, 2021. [53 photos, 36 illustrations. Excerpts from his diaries 1969-2019. Text in Czech.]

Koudelka Theatre. Text by Tomáš Pospěch. Paris: delpire & co, 2021. [58 photos. Text in English and French.]

Josef Koudelka : Next. Une biographie visuelle par Melissa Harris. Paris: delpire & co, 2024. [282 photos. Published in English and Czech editions.]


Catalogues d'exposition

Josef Koudelka: Cikáni: Výběr z fotografií 1961–1966. Text by Anna Fárová. Prague: Divadlo za branou, 1967. [Exhibition brochure, photographs of gypsies, 4 photos.]

Josef Koudelka. Text by Anna Fárová. Prague: Divadlo za branou, 1968. [Exhibition brochure, photographs of theatrical productions, 1965–68, three photos.]

Josef Koudelka z fotografického díla 1958–1990. Text by Anna Fárová. Prague: Umeleckoprumyslové muzeum, 1990. [Exhibition catalogue. 52 photos.]

Josef Koudelka: ‘Gypsies’. Introduction by Rune Hassner. Gothenburg: Hasselblad Center, 1992. [Exhibition catalogue. 16 photos. Subtitle: Photographs by the Recipient of the Hasselblad Prize 1992.]

Josef Koudelka. Texts by Hervé Guibert and Jean Dieuzaide. Toulouse: Galerie Municipale du Château d’Eau, 1994. [Exhibition catalogue. 28 photos. Interview with Hervé Guibert.]

Josef Koudelka: Gypsies: 100 Foto. [Milan]: Agenzia Contrasto, [1994]. [Poster folded like a map. 100 photos.]

Gitanos. Text by Mercedes Iturbe. Cuernavaca: Jardín Borda, 1995. [Exhibition brochure.]

Josef Koudelka: Following Ulysses’ Gaze. Text by Hiromi Nakamura. Tokyo: Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography, 1997. [Exhibition catalogue. 33 photos.]

Josef Koudelka: Retrospektif/Retrospective. Texts by Romeo Martinez and Robert Delpire. Interviews by Bryn Campbell, Hervé Guibert and Karel Hvížďala. Istanbul: Pera Museum, 2008. [Exhibition catalogue. 70 photos.]

Koudelka, Decreazione. Rome: Contrasto, 2013. [Exhibition catalogue. 9 panoramic photos.]

Josef Koudelka: Retrospective. Text by Rei Masuda, Interview with Karel Hvížďala. Tokyo, National Museum of Modern Art, 2013. [Exhibition catalogue. 103 photos.]

Josef Koudelka: Nationality Doubtful. Texts by Stuart Alexander, Amanda Maddox, Gilles A. Tiberghien and Matthew S. Witkovsky. Chicago: The Art Institute of Chicago, 2014. [Exhibition catalogue. 200 photos. Also published in Spanish in Madrid by Fundación MAPFRE.]

Josef Koudelka: Sledi 1991–2014. Ljubljana: Musée et galeries de Ljubljana, 2014. [Exhibition catalogue. 22 panoramic photos.]

Josef Koudelka: Vestiges 1991–2015. Vers-Pont-du-Gard: EPCC Pont du Gard, 2015. [Exhibition catalogue. 22 panoramic photos.]

Josef Koudelka: Twelve Panoramas, 1987–2012. Text by Julian Cox. New York: Pace/MacGill Gallery, 2015. [Exhibition catalogue. 12 panoramic photos.]

Josef Koudelka: La fabrique d’Exils. Texts by Clément Chéroux and Michel Frizot. Paris: Éditions du Centre Pompidou / Éditions Xavier Barral, 2017. [Exhibition catalogue. 81 photos and numerous illustrations. Also published in English.]

Koudelka: Industries. Texts by François Barré and François Hébel. Paris: Éditions Xavier Barral, 2017. [Exhibition catalogue. 40 panoramic photos.]

Koudelka: Navraty. Edited by Josef Koudelka and Irena Šorfová. Texts by Anna Fárová, Jan Mlčoch, Josef Moucha, Stuart Alexander, Tomáš Pospech, Josef Chuchma and Irena Šorfová. Prague: Umeleckoprumyslové museum v Praze and Karel Kerlicky, 2018. [Exhibition catalogue. 292 photos and numerous illustrations. Also published in English.]

Koudelka De-creazione. Text by Irena Šorfová. Prague: Galerie nazionale de Prague, 2018. [Exhibition catalogue. 18 panoramic photos.]

Josef Koudelka Ikonar: Constellations d’archives. Edited by Lars Willumeit and Jonathan Roquemore. Texts by Tatyana Franck, Lars Willumeit and Stuart Alexander. Lausanne: Photo Elysée/Éditions Noir Sur Blanc, 2022. [Exhibition catalogue. 72 photos, 165 enlargements from contact sheets and numerous illustrations. Also published in English.]

Publications sélectionnées qui qui incluent Josef Koudelka

Szarkowski, John. Looking at Photographs: 100 Pictures from the Collection of the Museum of Modern Art. New York: Museum of Modern Art, 1973, pp. 202–03. [1 photo.]

Beaton, Cecil and Gail Buckland. The Magic Image. London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1975. [4 photos.]

‘Josef Koudelka’, in Photography Annual 1976. New York: Ziff-Davis, 1975, pp. 112–21. [13 photos.]

Maddow, Ben. Faces: A Narrative History of the Portrait in Photography. Photographs selected and edited by Constance Sullivan. Boston: New York Graphic Society, 1977. [2 photos.]

About 70 Photographs. Edited by Chris Steele-Perkins. London: Arts Council of Great Britain, 1980. [1 photo.]

‘Josef Koudelka’, in World Photography. Edited by Bryn Campbell. London: Hamlyn, 1981. [8 photos.]

Norfleet, Barbara. ‘Josef Koudelka’, in Contemporary Photographers. Edited by George Walsh, Colin Naylor and Michael Held. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1982. [1 photo.]

Great Photographers. Life Library of Photography. Rev. edn. Alexandria, Va.: Time-Life Books, 1983. [4 photos.]

Personal Choice: A Celebration of Twentieth Century Photographs. Introduction by Mark Haworth-Booth. London: Victoria & Albert Museum, 1983. [2 photos.]

Portrait of a Film: The Making of White Nights. Introduction by Taylor Hackford. Text by Nan Richardson. New York: Harry N. Abrams, 1985. [25 photos.]

Regards d’Acier. Photographs by Sebastião Salgado, Harry Gruyaert and Josef Koudelka. Dunkerque: Sollac Dunkerque, 1988. [15 panoramic photos by Koudelka, pp. 96–128. Black-and-white photos by Salgado and colour by Gruyaert.]

Paysages photographiques: DATAR. Paris: Hazan, 1988. [15 panoramic photos.]

Hugo Erfurth Preis. Leverkusen: Museum Morsbroich, Agfa-Gevaert, 1989. [Exhibition catalogue. 14 panoramic photos and 24 photos by Koudelka. Text by Robert Delpire (German and English translations by Camera International). Other photos by Graciela Iturbide and Barbara Klemm.]

Les Gens du Voyage. Angoulême: Centre Culturel d’Angoulême et de la Charente, les Plateaux, 1989. [Exhibition catalogue. “Déclics 1989.” 9 photos by Koudelka.]

Magnum: 50 ans de photographies. Texts by Jean Lacouture, William Manchester, and Fred Ritchin. Paris: Nathan Image, 1989. [10 photos. American, British, German and Japanese editions.]

‘Josef Koudelka’, in Frank Horvat, Entre vues. Paris: Nathan, 1990, pp. 68–89. [Interviews with Koudelka in January and March 1987, 6 photos.]

Amnesty International 1990 avec Josef Koudelka. Paris: Amnesty International, 1990. [Calendar. 7 photos.]

A l’Est de Magnum, 1945–1990. Paris: Arthaud, 1991. [15 photos.]

Beyrouth: Centre-Ville. Preface by Dominique Eddé. Photographs by Gabriele Basilico, Raymond Depardon, Fouad Elkoury, René Burri, Josef Koudelka and Robert Frank. Paris, Editions du Cyprès, 1992, pp. 112–37. [19 panoramic photos by Koudelka. English language edition: Beirut: City Center. Paris: Éditions du Cyprès, 1992.]

Clarková, Rebecca. ‘Vyslechnutý rozhovor mezi Sheilou Hicks a Josefem Koudelkou’/ ‘Overheard: A Conversation between Sheila Hicks and Josef Koudelka’, in Sheila Hicks. Prague: Umeleckoprumyslové muzeum and Oswald, 1992. [Texts by Konstantina Hlaváčková et al., exhibition catalogue on this textile artist. Interview by Rebecca Clark.]

Magnum Cinéma: Des histoires de cinéma par les photographes de Magnum. Texts by Alain Bergala. Paris: Cahiers du Cinéma / Paris Audiovisuel, 1994. [5 photos.]

Westerbeck, Colin, and Joel Meyerowitz. Bystander: A History of Street Photography. London: Thames & Hudson, 1994, pp. 19, 207–12, 298–99, 304. [5 photos.]

The Hasselblad Awards: A Presentation of the Hasselblad Award, 1980–1995. Preface by Rune Hassner. Gothenburg: Erna and Victor Hasselblad Center, 1995. [16 photos.]

Retrospect: Biennale of International Photography. Text by John Demos. Skopelos: Photographic Center of Skopelos, 1996, pp. 56–69. [Exhibition catalogue. 12 photos.]

Une aventure contemporaine, la photographie (1955–1995): à travers la collection de la Maison Européenne de la Photographie. Texts by Henry Chapier and Jean-Luc Monterosso. Paris: Maison Européenne de la Photographie / Paris Audiovisuel, 1996, pp. 8–9, 99–105. [7 photos.]

1968 Magnum Throughout the World. Texts by Eric Hobsbawm and Marc Weitzmann. Paris: Hazan, 1998, pp. 60–65, 205–21, 224–31, 255. [32 photographs by Koudelka.]

Regards sur les Gens du Voyage. Arc-et-Senans: Centre de Ressources Photographie and Institut Claude-Nicolas Ledoux, 1999. [10 photos by Koudelka, 24 photos by Franck Lallemend and 6 photos by Hans Silvester.]

I tempi di Roma. Edited by Claudia Moatti and Francesca Pierantozzi. Paris: Adam Biro, 2000, pp. 92–109. [Exhibition catalogue. 10 photographers. 9 panoramic photos by Koudelka.]

Periplus: 12 Magnum Photographers in Contemporary Greece. Paris: Atalante, 2004, pp. 185–99. [Exhibition catalogue. 7 panoramic photos by Koudelka.]

Magnum Sees Piemonte. Turin: Regione Piemonte, 2005. [Exhibition catalogue. 5 panoramic photos by Koudelka, pp. 0858–0903.]

Mirror, Mirror/Espelho Meu: Portugal as Seen by Magnum Photographers/Portugal Visto Por Fotografos Da Magnum. Göttingen: Steidl, 2005, pp. 22–23. [Exhibition catalogue. 5 panoramic photos by Koudelka.]

Maddox, Amanda. ‘The Walls and the Books of Josef Koudelka,’ in Heiting, Manfred. Czech and Slovak Photo Publications, 1918-1989. Göttingen: Steidl, 2018, pp. 432-509. [Numerous illustrations of Koudelka publications.] 

Périodiques sélectionnés

Brook, Peter. ‘Shakespeare nemá styl’, Divadlo, June 1964, pp. 31–41. [Includes a text by Anna Fárová, on Koudelka’s photographs of Peter Brook’s Prague production of King Lear. 38 photos.]

Fárová, Anna. ‘Koudelka: Some Remarks on the Young Czechoslovakian Photographers’, Camera, vol. 46, no. 11, November 1967, pp. 26–35. [7 photos.]

‘Anniversary’, Sunday Times Magazine [London], 24 August 1969, pp. 14–19. [Photoessay, 7 photos.]

Gross, Leonard. ‘A Death to Remember’, Look, vol. 33, no. 18, 9 September 1969, pp. 18–26. [12 photos.]

‘Koudelka’, Camera, vol. 49, no. 3, March 1970, pp. 4–13 and 21. [8 photos.]

‘Shows We’ve Seen’, Popular Photography, vol. 77, no. 2, August 1975, p. 57. [Exhibition review: ‘Josef Koudelka’, Museum of Modern Art, New York. 1 photo.]

‘Josef Koudelka’, Aperture, no. 77, 1976, pp. 5–33. 14 photos and the cover.

‘Koudelka’, Creative Camera, no. 140, February 1976, pp. 46–55. [10 photos.]

Nuridsany, Michel. ‘Photographie: Le long voyage de Josef K.’, Le Figaro, 3 October 1977. [Exhibition review: ‘Gitans: La fin du voyage’, Galerie Delpire, Paris.]

Naggar, Carole. ‘Gitans, la fin du voyage’, Le Matin, 15 October 1977. [Exhibition and book review: ‘Gitans: La fin du voyage’, Galerie Delpire, Paris. 1 photo.]

Voyeux, Martine. ‘Koudelka: à bout de regard’, Le Quotidien [Paris], no. 1098, 4 November 1977. [Exhibition and book review: ‘Gitans: La fin du voyage’, Galerie Delpire, Paris. 1 photo.]

‘Josef Koudelka’, Camera Mainichi [Tokyo], January 1978, pp. 101–16. [16 photos.]

‘Prague 1968’, Photo [Paris], no. 129, June 1978, pp. 44–53, 123. [9 photos published anonymously.]

‘Josef Koudelka: Errances’, Photo [Paris], no. 143, August 1979, pp. 68–73. [5 photos.]

‘Prague 68’, Le Matin [Paris], August 1981, pp. 15–22. [Preface by Milan Kundera. Text by Petr Král. Realized by Robert Delpire with the collaboration of Magnum Photos. Article in four parts appearing in Le Matin 17, 18, 19 and 20 August. 62 photos published with credit only to Magnum.]

Young, Michael. ‘No Fixed Abode, Just Genius and a Leica’, The Times [London], 29 September 1984, n.p. [3 photos.]

Ellis, Ainslie. ‘Josef Koudelka’, British Journal of Photography, 16 November 1984, pp. 1218–21, 1229. [6 photos.]

‘Invasion: Prague 68: Photographs by Josef Koudelka, Writings by Milan Kundera’, Aperture,
no. 97, Winter 1984, pp. 6–21. [8 photos.]

Evans, Tom. ‘Meeting Josef Koudelka: Tom Evans Talks to a Great Photographer’, Art and Artists, January 1985, pp. 13–16. [Exhibition review: Hayward Gallery, London. 6 photos.]

Haworth-Booth, Mark. ‘Current Comment’, Creative Camera, no. 243, March 1985, pp. 9–11. 3 photos.

Guibert, Hervé. ‘Josef Koudelka: La solitude du reporter de fond’, Le Monde, 22 August 1985, p. 7. [2 photos.]

Markus, David. ’Out of Darkness, a Vision of Grace’, American Photographer, vol. 16, no. 1, January 1986, pp. 46–47. [One photo.]

Gray, Francine du Plessix. ‘Reflections on Josef Koudelka’s fateful photographs,’ American Photographer, vol. 16, no. 1, January 1986, pp. 48–57. [13 photos.]

Delpire, Robert. ‘Le futur au présent: Robert Delpire, Josef Koudelka’, Clichés, no. 36, May 1987, pp. 55 and 59. [1 photo.]

Francblin, Catherine. ‘Josef Koudelka: la photographie à l’épreuve du temps’, Art Press, no. 123, March 1988, pp. 4–8. [Interview, 5 photos and 1 photo on the cover.]

Frizot, Michel. ‘Koudelka: la part du feu, l’hiver’, Beaux-Arts, no. 56, April 1988, pp. 74–79. [6 photos plus 1 photo on p. 4.]

Lutterback, Claus. ‘Der Leica-Vagabund’, Stern, 5 May 1988, pp. 190–91, 193. [3 photos.]

Delpire, Robert. ‘Josef Koudelka’, Camera International, no. 15, May/June 1988, pp. 60–69. [8 photos.]

‘Stranger in a Strange Land: The Vision of Josef Koudelka’, American Photographer, vol. 21, no. 2, August 1988, pp. 8, 10. [Exhibition review: International Center of Photography, New York. 2 photos.]

Kozloff, Max. ‘Koudelka’s Theater of Exile’, Artforum, vol. 27, no. 1, September 1988, pp. 100–06. [5 photos.]

Sager, Peter. ‘Josef Koudelka: Mythe den Angen des Exils’, Zeit-Magazin, 14 April 1989, pp. 28–41. [10 photos.]

‘Josef Koudelka 1968–84’, Six [Tokyo], no. 4, 1989, pp. 71–94. [13 photos.]

‘Josef Koudelka: Srpen 1968’, Respekt [Prague], August 1990, pp. 1–32. [Special issue on the 22nd anniversary of the Soviet-led invasion of Czechoslovakia, the first anniversary since the end of the Communist regime. 46 photos. Interview conducted by Anna Fárová.]

Hagen, Charles. ‘Josef Koudelka’s Melancholy Visions of Gypsy Life’, New York Times, 9 May 1993, section 2, p. 36. [Exhibition review: Pace/MacGill Gallery, New York. 1 photo.]

Fárová, Anna. ‘Josef Koudelka’, Raut [Prague], October 1993, pp. 54–55. [3 photos.]

Lee, David. ‘Josef Koudelka’, Art Review [London], March 1994, n.p. [2 photos.]

Olea, Víctor Flores. ‘La disolución del mundo de Josef Koudelka’, Luna Córnea [Mexico City], no. 6, 1995, pp. 23–29. [4 photos.]

Hamilton, Peter. ‘The Wanderer’, British Journal of Photography, 28 February 1996, pp. 10–13. [6 photos.]

Robert, Jean-Paul, on an idea by Lewis Baltz. ‘Le triangle noir’, L’Architecture d’Aujourd’hui, no 317, June 1997, pp. 67–95. [Texts also by Lewis Baltz and Gilles Tiberghien. 7 panoramic photos on pp. 70–77.]

A.G. [Georgieff, Anthony] ‘Book Reviews: Exiles’, Katalog, vol. 10, no. 2, Summer 1998, p. 68. [Book review: Exiles. Thames & Hudson, rev. edn. Includes one b&w illus. of dustjacket.]

Challier, Pierre. ‘Le K. Koudelka’, La Nouvelle République des Pyrénées, 3 June 1998, p. 7. [Exhibition review: Centre Culturel Carmel, Tarbes. 1 photo.]

Halliburton, Rachel. ‘The Strange Beauty of Wreckage’, The Independent [London], 23 September 1998, n.p. [Exhibition review: Royal National Theatre, London. 1 photo.]

Simmons, Michael. ‘The Unknown Snapper’, The Guardian, 1 October 1998, n.p. [Exhibition review: Royal National Theatre, London.]

Scianna, Ferdinando. ‘La leggenda di Koudelka’, Il Sole 24 Ore, 10 October 1999, p. 45 [1 photo.]

D’Hooghe, Alain. ‘Josef Koudelka, le diamant brut’, Pour ‘Voir’. Les photographies [Brussels], February 2001, pp. 26–27.

Gautrand, Jean-Claude. ‘Le Monde selon Josef Koudelka’, Réponses Photo, July 2002, pp. 76– 87. [13 photos and 2 portraits.]

Jauffret, Magali. ‘Joseph [sic] Koudelka, l’oeil d’un dramaturge’, L’Humanité, 5 July 2002, p. 19. [Exhibition review: ‘Josef Koudelka’, Rencontres Internationales de la Photographie, Arles. 2 photos.]

Bouzet, Ange-Dominique. ‘Arles, avec vue panoramique sur Koudelka’, Libération, 5 July 2002, n.p. [Exhibition announcement: ‘Josef Koudelka’, Rencontres Internationales de la Photographie, Arles. 1 photo.]

Dagen, Philippe. ‘Josef Koudelka, un expressioniste en noir et blanc’, Le Monde, 9 July 2002, n.p. [Exhibition review: ‘Josef Koudelka’, Rencontres Internationales de la Photographie, Arles, France.]

Guerrin, Michel. ‘Josef Koudelka: “Je suis attiré par tout ce qui disparaît”’, Le Monde, 6 July 2002, p. 21. [Exhibition review and interview: ‘Josef Koudelka’, Rencontres Internationales de la Photographie, Arles, France.]

Bouzet, Ange-Dominique. ‘Koudelka d’exception’, Libération, 3 August 2002, pp. 24–25. [Exhibition review: ‘Josef Koudelka’, Rencontres Internationales de la Photographie, Arles. 2 photos.]

Ankerman, Karel. ‘Het maximale eruit halen’, Het Financieele Dagblad, 3 August 2002, p. 21. [Exhibition review: ‘Josef Koudelka’, Rencontres Internationales de la Photographie, Arles. 1 photo.]

Goldberg, Vicki. ‘A Vagabond Who Sees the World Starkly’, New York Times, 18 August 2002, sect. 2, pp. 27–28. [Exhibition review: ‘Josef Koudelka’, Rencontres Internationales de la Photographie, Arles, France. 2 photos, 1 portrait.]

Chuchma, Josef. ‘Jsem fotograf odcházejícího světa’, Týden [Prague], 12 November 2002, pp. 72–74. [Interview. 3 b&w photos, 1 colour portrait of Koudelka.]

Chuchma, Josef. ‘Kámen Koudelka’, Respekt [Prague], 25 November 2002, p. 21. [Exhibition review: ‘Josef Koudelka, fotograf’, Veletržní palác, National Gallery, Prague. 2 photos.]

Klevisová, Naďa. ‘Josef Koudelka: Jsem velký otrok své hlavy’, Víkend [weekend supplement of] Hospodářské noviny, no. 48, November–December 2002, pp. 4–10. [Interview. 3 photos, 4 portraits of Koudelka.]

Volf, Petr. ‘Originál’, Reflex [Prague], no. 49, December 2002, pp. 36–42. [Interview. 6 photos, 2 portraits of Koudelka.]

Plavcová, Alena. ‘Josef Koudelka: Fotografovat se dá i bez foťáku’, Pátek Lidových novin, 6 December 2002, pp. 22–28. [Interview. 3 photos, 4 portraits of Koudelka.]

Jirousová, Vera. ‘Josef Koudelka (na českém pranýři)’, Literární noviny, 16 December 2002, n.p. [Exhibition review: ‘Josef Koudelka, fotograf’, Veletržní palác, National Gallery, Prague. 1 photo.]

Moucha, Josef. ‘Josef Koudelka, fotograf’, Historická fotografie, no. 1, 2003, n.p. [Résumé of all the criticism of the exhibition ‘Josef Koudelka, fotograf’, Veletržní palác, National Gallery, Prague. 7 photos.]

Fárová, Anna. ‘Manipulátor skutečností’, Ateliér [Prague], no. 2, February 2003, n.p. [5 photos.]

Kuneš, Aleš. ‘Kdo mě tam poslal’, Ateliér [Prague], no. 2, February 2003, n.p.

Prospěch, Tomáš. ‘Josef Koudelka: fotograf’, Ateliér [Prague], no. 2, February 2003, n.p.

Chalifour, Bruno. ‘Modern Sublime: The World of Josef Koudelka at the Rencontres d’Arles’, Afterimage, vol. 30, no. 5, March/April 2003, pp. 2, 10–11. [Exhibition review: ‘Josef Koudelka’, Rencontres Internationales d’Arles, Arles. 4 photos]

Detheridge, Anna. ‘Koudelka ha le sue vedute’, Il Sole 24 Ore, 11 May 2003, p. 38. [Exhibition review: ‘Teatro del Tempo’, Mercati di Traiano, Rome. 1 photo.]

Iturbe, Mercedes. ‘Koudelka: Un lobo estepario’, Letras Libres [Mexico City], July 2003, pp. 98–99 [1 photo.]

Olea, Víctor Flores. ‘Josef Koudelka: Un viaje a lo esencial’, La Jornada, 2 parts, 15 and 16 July 2003.

María Minera. ‘En fotografía la vision es todo’, Saber Ver [Mexico City], October/November 2003, pp. 28–35. [Interview. 3 photos.]

Tichavsky, Radko. ‘“Subordino toda mi vida a la fotografía”: Josef Koudelka’, Milenio; Diario de Monterrey, 2 December 2003, n.p. [Exhibition review and interview: ‘Josef Koudelka’, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo, Monterrey, Mexico]

Estrada, Oscar. ‘Josef Koudelka: El arte es sólo sobre emociones’, Posdata, no. 1, January 2004, n.p. [Interview.]

Ollier, Brigitte. ‘La bohème le ravit’, Libération, 26 December 2006.

LaSala, Anthony. ‘Through the Veil of Exile’, Photo District News, July 2007, pp. 44–47. [Interview. 5 photos.]

O’Hagan, Sean. ’40 Years On: The Exile Comes Home to Prague’, The Observer [London], 24 August 2008. [Book review: Invasion 68: Prague.]

Gefter, Philip. ‘When Prague Gave Way to Winter’, New York Times, 14 September 2008. [Exhibition and book review: Invasion 68: Prague, Aperture and Pace/MacGill Gallery, New York.]

Buskey, Megan. ‘Photo Ops’, The Nation, 10 November 2008, pp. 35–36. [Exhibition and book review: Invasion 68: Prague, Aperture, New York.]

Petrini, Carlo. ‘Il Piemonte de Koudelka: Paesaggio nudo con tracce umane’, La Repubblica [Milan], 24 January 2010, p. 40.

Martel, Nicci. ‘A Love Affair with the Camera’, The Guernsey Press, 6 May 2010.

Parfitt, Tom. ‘Josef Koudelka: Witness to an Invasion’, The Guardian, 26 October 2011.

Singer, Mark. ‘The Talk of the Town: Moscow Postcard: A Thousand Words’, The New Yorker, 31 October 2011, pp. 36–37. [Exhibition review: ‘Invasion 68: Prague’, Lumière Brothers Center for Photography, Moscow.]

Cabiati, Irene. ‘Fondazione Merz: Un viaggio nel tempo verso la Torino pre-olimpico’, La Stampa, 9 February 2012.

Lorrain, François-Guillaume. ‘Arles: hommage à Koudelka le Gitan’, Le Point, 30 June 2012.

Guillot, Claire. ‘Koudelka: “Le plus fort n’est pas l’homme armé”’, Le Monde, 29–30 July 2012, p. 17. [Interview.]

Shulman, David. ‘Bitter Faces in the Holy Land’, The New York Review of Books, 30 October 2013. [Book review: Wall, Aperture.]

Woodward, Richard B. ‘Fruits of a Scavenger’s Eye’, The Wall Street Journal, 18 June 2014. [Exhibition review: ‘Josef Koudelka: Nationality Doubtful’, Art Institute of Chicago.]

Vitvar, Jan H. ‘Koudelka: Digitál je moje záchrana’, Respekt, 27 October 2014. [Exhibition review: ‘This Place’, DOX, Prague.]

Knight, Christopher. ‘Getty’s Josef Koudelka Retrospective Is Grim Yet Riveting’, Los Angeles Times, 24 January 2015. [Exhibition review: ‘Josef Koudelka: Nationality Doubtful’, J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles.]

Aguilar, Andrea. ‘Josef Koudelka: “Una buena foto es la que no puedes olvidar”’, El Pais, 18 September 2015. [Interview.]

Caujolle, Christian. ‘Josef Koudelka, la liberté radicale’, Le Monde, 21 May 2015. [Interview.]